Web Scraper IA
Exploitez la puissance de l’intelligence artificielle pour extraire sans effort des données web structurées de n’importe quel site web. Notre Web Scraper IA simplifie le scraping de contenu dynamique, l’auto-détection des points de données et l’analyse avec précision.
- Identifiez automatiquement les éléments de données clés sur n'importe quel site web
- Extraction en temps réel grâce à l'IA et à l'apprentissage automatique
- Prise en charge des contenus dynamiques et à forte composante JavaScript
- Exportez les données aux formats JSON, CSV ou NDJSON
Facile à démarrer, encore plus facile à développer
Extraction assistée par l'IA
Automatisez l'identification des points de données à l'aide de l'apprentissage automatique pour une collecte de données plus intelligente et plus rapide.
Prise en charge du contenu dynamique
Gérez de manière transparente les sites web à forte composante JavaScript et les éléments dynamiques.
Infrastructure évolutive
Développez vos tâches de scraping web sans compromettre la précision ou la rapidité.
Bibliothèque d'API Web Scraper IA
Éliminez la complexité du scraping traditionnel grâce à des outils d'intelligence artificielle. Extrayez des volumes importants de données avec une précision et une efficacité inégalées.
LinkedIn people profiles
LinkedIn people profiles - Discover LinkedIn profiles by name
Amazon products
Amazon products - Collects products by best sellers category URL
Amazon products - Collects products by specific category URL
Amazon products - Collects products by specific keywords
Amazon products - find products by using upc numbers
LinkedIn company information
Crunchbase companies information
Crunchbase companies information - Searching data by keyword
Instagram - Profiles
Linkedin job listings information
Linkedin job listings information - Discover new jobs by keyword
Linkedin job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL
Zillow properties listing information
Zillow properties listing information - Discover by custom filters - location, home type and status
Zillow properties listing information - Search by parameters on zillow and use the direct link as input
Instagram - Posts
Instagram - Posts - Collects posts from a specific URLs by using profile URL
LinkedIn posts
LinkedIn posts - Discover user's articles by URL
LinkedIn posts - Discover posts by Profile URL
LinkedIn posts - Discover new posts company URL
X (formerly Twitter) - Posts
X (formerly Twitter) - Posts - Collecting Twitter posts URLs
Walmart - products
Walmart - products - Find new products by using specific category URL
Walmart - products - Collects products by specific keywords
Walmart - products - Discover products by using sku numbers
Facebook - Pages Posts by Profile URL
TikTok - Profiles
TikTok - Profiles - Discover by search URL and country
Amazon Reviews
Indeed job listings information
Indeed job listings information - Collect new jobs by keyword search in specific location
Indeed job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL
TikTok - Posts
TikTok - Posts - Input specific profile URL to get posts published by it
TikTok - Posts - Search posts by specific keyword or hashtag
TikTok - Posts - discover new records by TikTok discover URL
YouTube - Profiles
YouTube - Profiles - Collects channel by keyword related to the channel or video's of the channel
Airbnb Properties Information
Airbnb Properties Information - Search Airbnb by location
Airbnb Properties Information - Discover by search url
Glassdoor companies overview information
Glassdoor companies overview information - Search for companies by keyword
Glassdoor companies overview information - discover new companies by input filters
Glassdoor companies overview information - discover by search url
Youtube - Videos posts
Youtube - Videos posts - Search new youtube videos by keyword
Youtube - Videos posts - Discover videos by channel URL
Youtube - Videos posts - Search videos by keyword and then apply relevant video filters
Youtube - Videos posts - Collect YouTube posts by hashtags
Yahoo Finance business information
Yahoo Finance business information - Discover records by keyword
X (formerly Twitter) - Profiles
Facebook - Comments
Shein- Products
Shein- Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Glassdoor job listings information
Glassdoor job listings information - Collect new jobs by keyword search like the job title
Glassdoor job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL
Instagram - Reels
Instagram - Reels - Discover reels video from Instagram profile or direct search url
Instagram - Reels - Collect all Reels from Instagram profiles (without the post timestamp)
Amazon products global dataset
Amazon products global dataset - Collects products by specific category URL
Amazon products global dataset - Collecting products by keyword search
Amazon products global dataset - Collect Amazon products by seller URL
Amazon products global dataset - Collect products from Brands URLs
Yelp businesses overview
Instagram - Comments
Zoominfo companies information
Zoominfo companies information - discover records by search url
Booking Hotel Listings
Booking Hotel Listings -
Google News
Google maps reviews
eBay - Gather data on products using specified keywords
eBay - Collect products from shops on eBay
G2 software product overview
TikTok Shop
TikTok Shop - category
Glassdoor companies reviews
Reddit- Posts
Reddit- Posts - Discover Reddit posts by Subreddit URL
Reddit- Posts - Discovery by keyword of Reddit posts
pitchbook companies information
Github repository
Github repository - Discover github code by repository URL
Github repository - discover new records by search url
Australia real estate properties
Australia real estate properties - discover records by search url
Australia real estate properties - Discover records by Listing type
Google Shopping
Google Shopping - collects products from web using keywords
Zara - Products
Facebook - Posts by group URL
Amazon sellers info
Google Play Store
G2 software - product reviews
Booking Listings Search
Home Depot US
Home Depot US - Gather data on products using specified keywords
Lazada - Products
Lazada - Products - Discover products by keyword
Lazada - Products - Discover products by category URL or brand URL
Lazada - Products - Discover products by seller URL
Lazada - Products - Discover products by brand URL
TikTok - Comments
Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Marketplace - Collect Facebook marketplace listings by keyword
Facebook Marketplace - discover by url
Etsy - Collect data on products using specified keywords
Etsy - Collects data from shop's URL
Amazon products search
Facebook - Posts by post URL
Ikea - Products
Ikea - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Best Buy products
Best Buy products - Collect data on products using specified keywords
Yelp businesses reviews
Yelp businesses reviews - Search for Yelp businesses by country, category and location
Zillow price history
Myntra products
Myntra products - Collect products by category URL
Myntra products - Collect products by keyword
Myntra products - Collect products by brand URL
Trustpilot business reviews
Target - Gather data on products using specified keywords
Indeed companies info
Indeed companies info - By company list
Indeed companies info - Discover companies by Industries and location (State) in US
Indeed companies info - Search company by company name
Sephora products
Reuters news
Reuters news - Reuters news article dataset discover new records by keyword search in website, include option to filter by Section,Date Range and sort option like in link https://www.reuters.com/site-search/?query=football
Reuters news - Discovery article by the publishing date and time
Zoopla properties listing information
Zoopla properties listing information - Discover by custom filters - location and property type
Ozon.ru products
BBC news
BBC news - Discover BBC articles by keyword
Reddit - Comments
Owler companies information
Pinterest - Posts
Pinterest - Posts - Collects posts by specific keywords
Pinterest - Posts - Discover posts by using specific profile url
H&M - Products
H&M - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Wikipedia articles
Wikipedia articles - Discover new articles by searching keywords in Wikipedia
US lawyers directory
US lawyers directory - Search on the website by attorney name, practice area, school, articles, or location
Youtube - Comments
Webmotors Brasil - Cars Listings
Webmotors Brasil - Cars Listings - Discover new records by category URL
Realtor international properties listings
Tokopedia Products
Tokopedia Products - Search products by keyword
Tokopedia Products - Collect URLs of products by category URLs
Tokopedia Products - Collect Tokopedia's products by seller URL
Facebook Company Reviews
Lowes.com - Gather data on products using specified keywords
Facebook - Reels by profile URL
CNN news
CNN news - Discover CNN articles by search URL
CNN news - Discovery article by the publishing date and time
Xing social network
Digikey - Products
Digikey - Products - Discover by category url
OLX Brazil - marketplace ads
Wildberries.ru products
Zalando products
Zalando products - Discover products by domain
Zalando products - Discover records by search keyword
Zalando products - Discover products by category URL
Zalando products - Collect products by brand URL
Mouser - Products
Mouser - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Asos - Products
Asos - Products - Collect products by category URL
Asos - Products - Collect products by keyword
Asos - Products - Collect products by brand URL
Lego - Products
Lego - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Facebook Events
Facebook Events - discover Facebook events search URL
Facebook Events - Discover events by venue URL
Apple App Store
Pitchbook People Profiles
Pinterest - Profiles
Pinterest - Profiles - Discover profiles by Keyword in profile name and profile posts
Wayfair products
Wayfair products - Gather data on products using specified keywords
Chanel Products
Chanel Products - Discover new products in Chanel by category URL
Bluesky - Posts
Bluesky - Posts - Collect posts from profile URL
Lazada - Reviews
Google Shopping products search US
Nordstrom products
Dior - Products
Dior - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Metrocuadrado - Properties Listings
Quora posts
VentureRadar company information
Trustradius product reviews
AE.com - Complete Products
AE.com - Complete Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Home Depot CA
Home Depot CA - Gather data on products using specified keywords
Inmuebles24 Mexico - Properties Listings
Twitch - streams dataset
Twitch - streams dataset - Discover stream by a search term
Twitch - streams dataset - Discover stream by category url
Vimeo - Videos posts
Vimeo - Videos posts - focus on licensed videos with "common creative" license
Vimeo - Videos posts - scrape videos by URL
Google Play Store reviews
Chileautos Chile - Cars Listings
Hermes- Products
Hermes- Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Crawl API - Map all links from a given domain, collecting internal and external URLs for seamless analysis, auditing, or integration into your workflows.
Toysrus - Products
Toysrus - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Zonaprop Argentina - Properties Listing
Zonaprop Argentina - Properties Listing - Discover products by domain
Yapo Chile - marketplace ads
Apple App Store reviews
Ashleyfurniture - Products
Ashleyfurniture - Products - sitemap
Ashleyfurniture - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Lazada products search (GMV)
Mango Products
Balenciaga.com - Products
Balenciaga.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Mediamarkt.de products
Toctoc - Properties Listings
Fendi Products
Fendi Products - Discover products by category URL
Zara Home Products
Ysl.com - Products
Infocasas Uruguay - Properties Listings
Walmart - products zipcodes
Walmart - products zipcodes - Collect data by category URL
Walmart - products zipcodes - Collect data by Keyword
Carters.com - Products
Carters.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Prada.com - Products
Prada.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Fanatics.com - Products
Fanatics.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Bottegaveneta.com - Products
Bottegaveneta.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Massimo Dutti - Products
Massimo Dutti - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Properati Argentina and Colombia - Properties Listings
Loewe.com - Products
Loewe.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Crateandbarrel - Products
Crateandbarrel - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Sleepnumber.com - Products
Sleepnumber.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Berluti.com - Products
Berluti.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Delvaux - Products
Delvaux - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Moynat.com - Products
Agoda Properties Listings
Agoda Properties Listings - collect properties by country
Celine.com - Products
Celine.com - Products - Discover new products by category URL
Zillow Full Properties Information
llbean.com - Products
llbean.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Mybobs.com - Products
Mybobs.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Montblanc - Products
Montblanc - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Raymourflanigan.com - Products
ChatGPT Search
Mattressfirm - Products
Mattressfirm - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
La-z-boy.com - Products
La-z-boy.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL
Zillow properties search page
LinkedIn people search
Euka TikTok Shop Influencers
Walmart products search
Perplexity Search
TikTok - Posts by URL Fast API
TikTok - Posts by Profile Fast API
TikTok - Posts by Search URL Fast API
Points de terminaison dédiés pour plus de 100 domaines.
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"db_source": "1743056542245",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"id": "vir***hp",
"name": "Virgil H*************i",
"city": "Ottawa, Ontario, Canada",
"country_code": "CA",
"position": "| MIPP | PMP® | Public Servant | AI and Data Policy",
"about": "Virgil joined the Canadian public service in 2022 through the Recruitment of Policy Leaders programme, coming from a tec..."
"db_source": "1743056542245",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"id": "kab***chu***ai-*********",
"name": "Kabir C******i",
"city": "Toronto, Ontario, Canada",
"country_code": "CA",
"position": "Director - Royal Bank of Canada.",
"about": "Creative and results oriented professional with roots in Corporate\/Commercial Banking and experience in Corporate Operat..."
"db_source": "1743056542245",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"id": "vai***a-u***dra*********a",
"name": "Vaishna U******n",
"city": "Helsingborg, Skåne County, Sweden",
"country_code": "SE",
"position": "Project Manager |Researcher in Biotechnology| Global Medical Device \u0026 IVD Regulatory Affairs",
"about": "As a Project Manager at Pure Global, based in southern Sweden, I help clients across Europe and the US navigate the worl..."
"db_source": "1743056542245",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"id": "arn***his***-78*********",
"name": "Arno T*****n",
"city": "Echt, Limburg, Netherlands",
"country_code": "NL",
"position": null,
"about": "I\nUitkijken naar een milieuvriendelijke toekomst. en de wereld klaarstomen voor…"
"db_source": "1743056542245",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"id": "ken***h-c***",
"name": "Kenneth C**u",
"city": "Boston, Massachusetts, United States",
"country_code": "US",
"position": "Technical Project Manager at P\u0026G",
"about": "I am currently a Technical Project Manager at Procter \u0026 Gamble Gillette. Back in 2022, I graduated from the University o..."
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"db_source": "1743056138459",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"title": "Lutron Diva Electronic Low Voltage Dimmer | 300-Watt, Single-Pole or 3-Way | DVELV-303P-AL, Almond",
"seller_name": "Ama***.co***",
"brand": "Lutron",
"description": "The Lutron Diva dimmer switch is a simple and elegant solution designed to match your existing designer opening switches...",
"initial_price": 75.54,
"currency": "USD"
"db_source": "1743056138459",
"timestamp": "2025-03-26",
"title": "Starbucks K-Cup Coffee Pods—Starbucks Blonde, Medium \u0026 Dark Roast Coffee—Variety Pack for Keurig Brewers—100% Arabica—1 ...",
"seller_name": "Ama***.co***",
"brand": "Starbucks",
"description": "Explore five of our most popular coffees: Starbucks Veranda Blend coffee has notes of toasted malt and milk chocolate; S...",
"initial_price": 33.59,
"currency": "USD"
"db_source": "1743056138459",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"title": "Philips Air Purifier 600 Series, Ultra-quiet and energy-efficient, For allergy sufferers, HEPA filter removes 99.97% of ...",
"seller_name": "******",
"brand": "Versuni",
"description": "About this item Thoroughly purifies rooms up to 44m2: With a CADR of 170 m3\/h, its powerful airflow cleans the air in mi...",
"initial_price": 99.99,
"currency": "GPB"
"db_source": "1743052529814",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"title": "Cruz Coastal Window Valance, 84 W x 19 L inches, White",
"seller_name": "Ama***.co***",
"brand": "Barefoot Bungalow",
"description": "Time for a coastal makeover! Beach scenes and fresh ocean breezes are brought to mind with this stunning coastal collect...",
"initial_price": 24.99,
"currency": "USD"
"db_source": "1743056138459",
"timestamp": "2025-03-26",
"title": "Creative Pebble 2.0 USB-Powered Desktop Speakers with Far-Field Drivers and Passive Radiators for PCs and Laptops (White...",
"seller_name": "Creative L***, ***",
"brand": "Creative",
"description": "Creative Pebble Modern 2.0 USB Desktop Speakers Inspired by the zen Japanese rock garden, the orb-shaped Creative Pebble...",
"initial_price": 24.99,
"currency": "USD"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"url":"https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2506-Gordon-Cir-South-Bend-IN-46635/77050198_zpid/?t=for_sale"}]' "https://api.brightdata.com/datasets/v3/trigger?dataset_id=gd_lfqkr8wm13ixtbd8f5&format=json&uncompressed_webhook=true"
"db_source": "j_m7uda54bq58fx8ll0",
"timestamp": "2025-03-04",
"zpid": 9605961,
"city": "Allentown",
"state": "PA",
"homeStatus": "RECENTLY_SOLD",
"address:city": "Allentown",
"address:streetAddress": "753 N Halstead St"
"db_source": "j_m7uda54bq58fx8ll0",
"timestamp": "2025-03-04",
"zpid": 9660719,
"city": "Breinigsville",
"state": "PA",
"homeStatus": "RECENTLY_SOLD",
"address:city": "Breinigsville",
"address:streetAddress": "8719 Breinigsville Rd"
"db_source": "j_m7uda54bq58fx8ll0",
"timestamp": "2025-03-04",
"zpid": 10161046,
"city": "Bethlehem",
"state": "PA",
"homeStatus": "RECENTLY_SOLD",
"address:city": "Bethlehem",
"address:streetAddress": "1212 E 3rd St"
"db_source": "j_m7uda54bq58fx8ll0",
"timestamp": "2025-03-04",
"zpid": 10133361,
"city": "Bethlehem",
"state": "PA",
"homeStatus": "RECENTLY_SOLD",
"address:city": "Bethlehem",
"address:streetAddress": "3610 Quincy Ln"
"db_source": "j_m7uda54bq58fx8ll0",
"timestamp": "2025-03-04",
"zpid": 10147674,
"city": "Bethlehem",
"state": "PA",
"homeStatus": "RECENTLY_SOLD",
"address:city": "Bethlehem",
"address:streetAddress": "721 Elmhurst Ave"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"url":"https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuf4s0MNqNr"},{"url":"https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuvy6JbtyQ6"}]' "https://api.brightdata.com/datasets/v3/trigger?dataset_id=gd_lk5ns7kz21pck8jpis&format=json&uncompressed_webhook=true"
"db_source": "1743053418872",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/reel\/DHoiinGRbFy",
"user_posted": "afonsomottaoficial",
"description": "📢 A indústria brasileira é fundamental para o desenvolvimento do país! 🇧🇷 \n\nNo lançamento da Agenda Legislativa da In...",
"hashtags": null,
"num_comments": 5,
"date_posted": "2025-03-25T19:09:01.000Z"
"db_source": "1743053418872",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/reel\/DHoe_0yywHR",
"user_posted": "snowflake_news",
"description": "Cori Bush: We really “needed” to spend $10 trillion on fighting climate change.💢🤦\n\n🔴Calling all Patriots! As a news o...",
"hashtags": null,
"num_comments": 188,
"date_posted": "2025-03-25T18:35:34.000Z"
"db_source": "1743053418872",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/reel\/DHollVMNFjW",
"user_posted": "gahnaim.brand",
"description": "South Africa! 🇿🇦 \nLet me spend the Eid with you guys by wearing my brand ❤️",
"hashtags": null,
"num_comments": 18,
"date_posted": "2025-03-25T19:35:51.000Z"
"db_source": "1743053418872",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/reel\/DHpFoR8qgE5",
"user_posted": "itatiaiaesporte",
"description": "PROMESSA VENDIDA | Investidor da Sociedade Anônima do Futebol (SAF) do Atlético, Rubens Menin abriu o jogo sobre a venda...",
"hashtags": [
"num_comments": 54,
"date_posted": "2025-03-26T00:13:05.000Z"
"db_source": "1743053418872",
"timestamp": "2025-03-27",
"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/reel\/DHohZfGtt55",
"user_posted": "anwersliyhe",
"description": "صوت كل انسان حر عايش في غزة ❤️",
"hashtags": null,
"num_comments": 2,
"date_posted": "2025-03-25T18:57:29.000Z"
Recherche et extraction automatisées de données.
Cartographie des données de l'IA
Détection automatique et mise en correspondance d'éléments de données structurées dans différents domaines.
Gestion du contenu dynamique
Récupérez sans effort des pages web dynamiques et à forte teneur en JavaScript.
Analyse personnalisée des données
Analyse et nettoyage pilotés par l'IA pour des données structurées prêtes à l'emploi.
Tâches simultanées
Les opérations peuvent être étendues à un nombre illimité de tâches de scraping simultanées.
Toutes les 15 minutes, nos clients récupèrent suffisamment de données u2028pour entraîner ChatGPT à partir de zéro.
Grâce à une technologie de pointe en matière d'IA et de scraping
- Rotation d’adresse IP automatique
- Système de résolution de CAPTCHA
- Rotation des agents utilisateurs
- En-têtes personnalisées
- Rendu JavaScript
- Proxys résidentiels
Web Scraper API Pricing
Des Web Scrapers IA pour un accès sans faille aux données Web
Extraction de données Web complète, évolutive et conforme
Commencez à récupérer en quelques minutes
Commencez immédiatement sans investissement initial, augmentez ou diminuez vos capacités en fonction de vos besoins sans accumuler de dette technologique, et obtenez exactement les données dont vous avez besoin, quand vous en avez besoin.
Infrastructure intégrée et déblocage
Bénéficiez d’un contrôle et d’une flexibilité maximums sans avoir à maintenir une infrastructure de proxy et de déblocage, et faites évoluer sans effort vos projets de scraping et vos demandes de données.
Infrastructure éprouvée
La plateforme de Bright Data alimente plus de 20,000+ entreprises dans le monde entier, offrant une tranquillité d’esprit grâce à un temps de disponibilité de 99,99 % et un accès à plus de 150M+ d’adresses IP d’utilisateurs réels couvrant 195 pays.
Une conformité à la pointe de la technologie
Nos pratiques en matière de confidentialité sont conformes aux lois sur la protection des données, y compris le CCPA et le RGPD (le cadre réglementaire de l’UE en matière de protection des données), en respectant les demandes d’exercice des droits à la vie privée et plus encore.
FAQ sur le Web Scraper IA
Qu'est-ce qu'un Web Scraper IA ?
Un Web Scraper IA est un outil qui utilise l'intelligence artificielle pour automatiser le processus d'extraction de données à partir de sites web. Il s'appuie sur des techniques d'apprentissage automatique pour s'adapter au contenu dynamique et aux structures complexes des sites web, ce qui rend l'extraction des données plus efficace et plus précise.
Comment l'IA améliore-t-elle l'extraction des données ?
L'IA améliore l'extraction des données en analysant le modèle objet du document d'une page web, en identifiant sa structure et en s'adaptant en cas de changement de structure. Cela permet au scraper de gérer efficacement les contenus dynamiques et les mécanismes anti-scraping sophistiqués.
Pour quels cas d'utilisation le Web Scraper IA est-il optimisé ?
Le Web Scraper IA est optimisé pour des cas d'utilisation tels que la collecte de données à partir de sites web dynamiques, la gestion de changements fréquents dans la structure des sites web et le traitement de technologies anti-scraping avancées. Il est particulièrement utile pour les projets impliquant des données volumineuses (big data) et des ensembles de données importants.
Peut-il gérer le scraping de contenu dynamique à grande échelle ?
Oui, le Web Scraper IA peut prendre en charge le scraping de contenu dynamique à grande échelle. Il est conçu pour s'adapter efficacement, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de récupérer d'énormes quantités de données à partir de plusieurs sources ou sites web.
Comment puis-je démarrer avec le Scraper ?
La prise en main du Scraper est simple via le panneau de configuration de Bright Data, qui fournit une documentation complète et un tableau de bord convivial pour la gestion et les paramètres des clés API. Cette approche minimise les exigences d’installation et permet un accès immédiat à une plateforme hautement évolutive et fiable pour les besoins d’extraction de données Web.
Comment puis-je commencer à utiliser le Web Scraper IA ?
Pour commencer à utiliser le Web Scraper IA, vous devez ouvrir un compte auprès du fournisseur, obtenir vos clés API et vous reporter à la documentation de l'API pour obtenir des instructions détaillées sur votre premier appel API. Cela implique généralement la mise en place de votre environnement, la configuration de l'API avec vos informations d'identification et l'exécution d'une requête type pour commencer l'extraction des données.
Comment les API Scrapers gèrent-elles les tâches d’extraction de données à grande échelle ?
Dotées de fonctionnalités de simultanéité élevée et de traitement par lots, les API Scraper excellent dans les scénarios d’extraction de données à grande échelle. Les développeurs peuvent ainsi faire évoluer leurs opérations de scraping de manière efficace, en prenant en charge des volumes massifs de requêtes avec un débit élevé.
Dans quels formats de données les API Scraper peuvent-elles fournir des informations extraites ?
Les API Scraper fournissent les données collectées dans différents formats polyvalents tels que NDJSON et CSV, garantissant une intégration fluide avec un large éventail d’outils d’analyse et de workflow de traitement des données et facilitant ainsi leur adoption dans différents environnements de développement.