
LinkedIn Jobs Datasets

Get complete overview of public job listings on LinkedIn
to make informed business decisions

  • Subscribe to constantly get fresh job data
  • LinkedIn jobs datasets (public data)
  • Free LinkedIn job data samples for download in JSON or CSV
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LinkedIn dataset
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LinkedIn Jobs Data Points

The LinkedIn jobs dataset includes all major data points: URL, job posting ID, job title, company name, company ID, job location, job summary, apply link, job seniority level, and much more. Subsets are available by industries and countries.

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All available LinkedIn datasets

LinkedIn profiles dataset

Get a complete overview of professionals with data points such as name, experience, education, title, skills, and more.

LinkedIn company dataset

Get a complete overview of all companies on LinkedIn with data points such as ID, country, industry, size, and much more.

LinkedIn jobs dataset

Discover LinkedIn job postings based on specific job titles, locations, company names, or jobs from a specific company, and more.

LinkedIn jobs datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case

Données évolutives

Évoluer sans se soucier de l'infrastructure, des serveurs proxy ou des blocages

Maintenance de code

Les jeux de données sont entretenus au rythme des changements de structure des sites cibles

Champs de sortie personnalisés

Définissez des champs de sortie personnalisés pour répondre à des exigences spécifiques pour votre activité


Flux de données d’enregistrements nouveaux/mis à jour, sur la base d’un planning prédéfini

Plusieurs options de livraison

E-mail, API, Webhook, Google Cloud, compartiment Amazon S3 et cloud Azure

Différents formats de fichiers de sortie

Jeux de données au format JSON, ndJSON, CSV ou Excel

Assistance 24h/24, 7j/7

Gestion de votre collecte de données par un responsable de compte dédié

Volume de données adaptable

Configurez les serveurs pour qu’ils traitent un plus grand nombre de requêtes

Assurance qualité des données

Garantissez la fiabilité et la précision de vos données pour améliorer vos prises de décision

Get structured and reliable LinkedIn jobs data

Nous vous fournirons les données pendant que vous vous concentrerez sur le reste

De gros volumes de données web

Grâce à nos capacités de déblocage et à la rotation des adresses IP 24h/24, nous garantissons l’accès à tous les points de données des sites web.

Des données prêtes à l’emploi

Chaque aspect du processus de collecte des données est entièrement validé par nous dans le cadre d’un processus rigoureux de validation des données.

Un flux de données continu

Créez des plannings personnalisés pour automatiser la livraison des données et recevoir de manière continue le flux de données dans votre stockage.

How companies use LinkedIn jobs datasets

Market research

Track industry trends, new jobs, and salary changes with our LinkedIn jobs dataset. Identify emerging markets, new career paths, and high-demand skills which can help you expand and plan your business.
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Employment trends analysis

Optimize recruitment

Gain a deeper understanding with a LinkedIn jobs dataset into what skills, qualifications, and experience are required for different jobs, facilitating the decision-making process for hiring more qualified candidates, and more.
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Job posting dataset for hiring decisions

Strategy improvement

Compare your company's LinkedIn job listings and salaries with your competitors and adjust your hiring strategy accordingly. Based on this data, businesses can attract top talent, compete more effectively, and retain the best employees.
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perform competitive analysis

Tarification flexible, à partir de $0.001/record

  • Payez uniquement pour ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Des échantillons gratuits sont disponibles
  • Réduisez les coûts en filtrant les données inutiles

LinkedIn Jobs Dataset FAQs

The LinkedIn jobs dataset includes all major data points: URL, job posting ID, job title, company name, company ID, job location, job summary, apply link, job seniority level, and much more.

Yes, you can get updates to your LinkedIn jobs dataset on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom basis.

Yes, you can purchase a LinkedIn jobs subset that will include only the data points you need. By purchasing a subset, cost is reduced substantially.

You can choose one of the following formats: JSON, ndJSON, CSV, or XLSX.

If you don’t want to purchase a dataset, you can start scraping LinkedIn data using our LinkedIn scraper.

Yes, you can request sample data to evaluate the quality and relevance of the information provided. This is a great way to ensure it meets your needs before committing to a full dataset.

Yes, you can request specific data points from the LinkedIn jobs dataset tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you receive precisely the information you require for your projects.

Absolutely, the LinkedIn jobs dataset offers seamless API integration, allowing you to effortlessly integrate the data into your CRM, analytics tools, or any other systems you use, streamlining your operations.

The LinkedIn Jobs Listing dataset provides a concise snapshot of job opportunities, encompassing crucial details such as job titles, company names, locations, and employment specifics. With direct links for application and information on application numbers, this dataset facilitates efficient job hunting and analysis of market trends. Ideal for professionals seeking streamlined insights into available positions, it serves as a pragmatic resource for navigating the dynamic job landscape on LinkedIn.

Get your LinkedIn dataset today.