Ethics Corner

Technology always moves at a faster speed than lawmakers and regulators - this is especially true within the data domain, particularly now!
The aim of this page is to keep you updated with a topic that holds the fate of the data industry's future in its hands - the ethical dimensions of online data collection.

Transparent circular image of scales
Ethical-by-design image


Building and maintaining an ethical-by-design platform is of paramount importance to us and should be to all industry players - the future of our industry depends on it. Doing so requires a myriad of safeguards and layers - to learn more about ours, click here. To understand how we source our Residential IPs, click here. And to discover more about what makes our SDK ethical, click here.

World Ethical Data Forum

Bright Data x World Ethical Forum (WEDF)


The meaning of ‘ethics’ is complex to define – and when it comes to data collection, even more so. It is for this reason that Bright Data partnered with the WEDF, aiming to address the ethical dimensions, considerations, and challenges associated with data collection, in a world of rapid technological development where the law itself fails to keep up and provide adequate guidance on this matter. Together, we are focused on expanding the dialog around data collection ethics, forming an ethical framework, and providing practical tools for industry players.

Ethical events

Additional Resources

Blog posts

The 10 commandments of ethical data collection (from a technical standpoint)

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Your data won’t serve you for long if it was collected unethically

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Compliance Monitoring, Transparency and Ethical Code Key to Data Collection -

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Two interlocking red and green triangles on black.

Ethical online data collection needs to be a default, not a choice

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Data center hallway with digital interface overlay.

When it comes to data collection, transparency and ethical standards are not a matter of choice

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Person analyzing graphs on a laptop screen.

Governance, Privacy, and Ethics at the Forefront of Data in 2021

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2021 loading stock photo for Ethics Corner

VMblog 2021 Industry Experts Video Predictions Series

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Ethics in regards to data collection platforms

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Tablet and calculator on colorful financial charts and graphs.