The first line of
defense against cybersecurity threats

Fight fraud, mitigate risk, and achieve real-time visibility over the public domain with the world’s #1 proxy and web data platform

Security threats and cybersecurity measures illustrated with icons.
Laptop screen showing cybersecurity icons and settings gear.

Monitor viruses, malware, & map internet-exposed attacks

  • Perform real-time phishing link testing using geo-tailored IPs that detonate malware in a sandbox
  • Identify possible malware, test incident response capabilities, and detect real-time intrusions
  • Research threat actors by routing requests through a fully-compliant and trusted web data platform to safeguard your infrastructure
  • Detect IPs with a high probability of being fraudulent & scan ports open for specific IPs (either manually or through website DNS)

Protect digital assets & conduct penetration testing

  • Target malicious actors in real-time by collecting WHOIS data to create a data pool and risk map
  • Use different IP networks to launch simulated DDoS attacks and feed data into a SOAR system via API
  • Test for malicious and phishing sites that aim to obtain usernames, passwords, and credit card information
  • Leverage a massive pool of IPs to secure treatment of untrusted input and impose privilege limitations for applications
Email security and phishing representation with password and padlock.
Various digital media icons with a security checkmark.

Fight fraud, generate better threat intelligence & mitigate risks

  • Collect data from hacker forums, blogs, social, app forums, etc. regarding potential threats pricing models
  • Prepare for future attacks by collecting relevant hashtags, news, blogs, and social media posts to deduce actionable insights
  • Collect data at scale to ensure customer personal data is not being stored after privacy breaches and data leaks
  • Collect phrases and keywords that might indicate danger during the preparation process for an event

Vous avez besoin d’une solution sur mesure ?

Expliquez-nous votre cas d’utilisation et nous le développerons pour vous.

Pourquoi Bright Data
est le leader incontesté du marché

Le plus fiable

Meilleures données, meilleure disponibilité du réseau, résultats plus rapides

Le plus flexible

Évolutivité et possibilités de personnalisation illimitées

Entièrement conforme

Une infrastructure transparente et adaptée à l'entreprise

Le plus efficace

Peu de ressources internes requises

La meilleure expérience client du secteur

  • De nouvelles fonctionnalités sortent tous les jours. Vous demandez, nous développons
  • Assistance partout dans le monde 24h/24, 7j/7
  • Tableau de bord des performances du réseau en temps réel. Transparence totale
  • Responsables de compte dédiés
  • Des solutions sur mesure pour répondre à vos objectifs de collecte de données

Test your network’s vulnerabilities with the battle-tested web data platform